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Library & Media Center

Student's must sign in with their APS account to access library. Find more information on remote check out in our virtual library.

For additional resources, visit the Library & Media Center Google Site.

The New Mexico State Library has purchased a subscription to Brainfuse, an online tutoring service.

The tutoring levels range from Kindergarten to Adult Basic Ed to College, including Calculus I and writing. It is free for everyone in the state, and includes:

  • Live tutoring from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m.
  • A writing lab -A database of quizzes, lessons, and tests on all subjects including GED, AP tests, PSAT, SAT, ACT, CLEP, TOEFL, etc.
  • Flashcards in several subjects
  • Live Spanish language tutoring -Online private chat rooms where students can collaborate
  • Career information
  • A Brainfuse app which will enable students to access live tutoring from their smartphones (it’s very cool—a student can take a picture of their homework rather than typing it in and then the tutor can send back a picture of a whiteboard with corrections or suggestions.).
  • Students do not need an account to use live tutoring and flash cards. They will need an account if they wish to do other things, like save their tutoring sessions to be referenced later, send a tutor a document which they need help with, etc.

Checking Out Library Materials 

Who may borrow materials from the library?

  • Students, faculty, and parents may all check out library materials.
  • Kindergartners through third graders may borrow up to two books at a time.
  • Fourth and fifth graders may borrow up to three books at a time

When may students check out materials from the library?

  • Materials may be checked out during each class' regularly scheduled library time.
  • Students may come to the library for check out with a pass from their teacher.

What materials may students borrow from the library?

  • Students may check out books from the Fiction, Nonfiction, and Everybody sections of the library.
  • Students are encouraged to make selections based on their own interests and curriculum needs.
  • During library class time, students learn strategies, such as the five finger test, for selecting books on an appropriate reading level. However, sometimes students may select a book that is too difficult for them simply because they like the subject, the pictures, or because an older sibling has read it. Usually, they discover that their inappropriate choices are not as exciting or fun as expected and begin making better choices.

What is the due date for books?

  • Books may be kept for one week. If a book is needed for a longer time, the item needs to be brought to the library for renewal. If books are kept beyond the due date, an overdue notice will be sent.
  • If you have questions about an overdue notice, please contact the librarian. Occasionally, the book does not cancel correctly on the computer and may actually be on the shelf. Sometimes, parents may send a book back to the school with a child, but it does not make it to the library. Either way, please let us know and we'll do our best to locate it.

What happens if a book is damaged or lost?

  • Students are responsible for the materials checked out to them.
  • Progress reports may be withheld from students owing for books at the end of the year.

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